Top 7 Veterinary Companies in Boston, Massachusetts

French Bulldog in the style of Grant Wood

Boston, Massachusetts—often regarded as the crucible of American history—is not only a beacon of academia and culture but also a burgeoning epicenter for the veterinary and animal health industry. With its host of prestigious universities and research institutions, like Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Boston is a fertile ground for cutting-edge medical and biotechnological advancements. The city’s rich intellectual resources and entrepreneurial spirit have catalyzed a dynamic ecosystem where veterinary companies thrive, creating a nexus for innovation in pet health care, livestock management, and biopharmaceuticals. In Boston’s melting pot, the ever-evolving landscape of veterinary science is championed by a community that values the welfare of all creatures, both great and small.

The veterinary industry in Boston is a reflection of the city’s commitment to growth and excellence across all sectors of healthcare. With an eye to the future, these top 11 veterinary companies stand at the forefront, driving progress with their forward-thinking approaches to animal medicine and services. As pet ownership continues to rise and the demand for high-quality animal care increases in tandem, these companies are poised for significant expansion. Boston’s fusion of industry expertise and investment in research has made it a hotspot for veterinary innovation, delivering solutions that not only impact the local and national markets but also resonate on a global scale. This is where compassion meets science; where the well-being of animals is tended to with the same rigor and passion that is usually reserved for human healthcare.

Let’s see the who’s on the list:


BetterVet revolutionizes pet care by offering convenient home visits and telehealth services through an easy-to-use app. Founded in 2020 and based in Boston, this startup ensures your pet’s needs are met without leaving the comfort of your home.

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Invetx stands at the forefront of innovation in veterinary medicine, merging human biotechnology with animal health to craft advanced, protein-based therapeutics. Leveraging a network of top-tier biotech partners and experts, the company is pioneering a new era in animal care with its robust pipeline of transformative treatments.

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Embark revolutionizes canine health with industry-leading dog DNA testing, harnessing a clinical-grade SNP chip and over 200,000 genetic markers to preemptively tackle heritable diseases. By integrating elite genomic research with practical pet care advice, Embark enhances dog wellness, ensuring tailored nutrition and exercise plans to optimize overall health.

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Animal Rescue League of Boston

Company Name: Animal Rescue League of Boston
Description: The Animal Rescue League of Boston excels in comprehensive animal services, offering shelter, veterinary care, rescue operations, and adoption programs. Their commitment to animal welfare is bolstered by robust community outreach and advocacy efforts, easily accessible via their website for further contact and information.

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Wicker Pet

At Wicker Pet, your furry friend will enjoy top-notch care with services ranging from cozy bedding and fun toys to grooming essentials like baths and nail trims. They even offer convenient pick-up and drop-off services, ensuring a stress-free experience for both pets and their owners.

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Back Bay Veterinary Clinic

Back Bay Veterinary Clinic excels in comprehensive pet care with services ranging from preventative wellness to advanced surgical procedures. Its grooming offerings, including breed-specific haircuts and shave downs, alongside expert medical treatments like spays and eye surgeries, ensure top-notch care for your beloved pets.

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Boston Animal Hospital

Boston Animal Hospital excels in providing top-tier veterinary care with a compassionate, knowledgeable team dedicated to enhancing your pet’s health and happiness. Their state-of-the-art facility and innovative practices ensure comprehensive support, from advanced medical treatments to educational and retail services, tailored for every stage of your pet’s life.

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